Este sera el Dojo IV de Emupartidas, donde tratara sobre el super gem fighter mini mix, quizás el juego de lucha 2D mas divertido y cachondo que existe!!!

: Punch
: Kick
: Special
: Taunt (start)


:   press Forward
:   press any Direction
:   directional in Neutral position

:   tap following Button repeatedly
:   hold following Button

:   must be done close from foe
:   must be done in the air
( ):   can be done in the air

:   press the motions together
[/]:   use any motions between the «[]»
:   follow with this move

:Gem Powered Special Moves:
can be power up with Gems
R = Red GEM
Y = Yellow GEM
B = Blue GEM

:Mighty Combos:
needs 1LV

Common Commands




High Jump

:Guard Cancel Moves: (cuando te cubre)

Guard Cancel (1LV)block


Throw ( )
Special Throw
Special Throw

:Pursuit Moves: (remata en el suelo)

Pursuit foe down [ / ]

:Command Moves: (no se pueden cubir)

Guard Crush
Mega Crush (1LV)
Item Throw



(Gouki on Japanese Version)

:Command Moves:

Overhead Kick
Front Kick
Tenma Kuujin Kyaku forward

:Gem Powered Special Moves:

Gou Hadou Ken R
Zankuu Hadou Ken R
Gou Shouryuu Ken Y
Tatsumaki Zankuu Kyaku ( ) B

:Regular Special Moves:

Shakunetsu Hadou Ken
Ashura Senkuu-right [ / ]
Ashura Senkuu-left [ / ]
Hyakki Shuu
Hyakki Gou Zan
Hyakki Gou Shou
Hyakki Gou Sen
Hyakki Gou Sai [ / ]
Hyakki Gou Tsui foe in air[ / ]
:Mighty Combos: -normal motion-
Messatsu Gou Hadou
Messatsu Gou Shouryuu x2
Tenma Gou Zankuu
Shun Goku Satsu (3LV)  este es el mas poderoso
:Mighty Combos: -simple motion-
Messatsu Gou Hadou
Messatsu Gou Shouryuu
Tenma Gou Zankuu
Shun Goku Satsu (3LV)  no tan poderoso como el otro.



Command Moves:

Forward Kick
Upward Kick
Roundhouse Kick
Yousou Kyaku
Sankaku Tobi corner

:Gem Powered Special Moves:

Hyakuretsu Kyaku R
Kikou Ken Y
Hishou Kyaku B

:Regular Special Moves:

Spinning Bird Kick
:Mighty Combos: -normal motion-
Kikou Shou x2
Hazan Hishou Kyaku x2
:Mighty Combos: -simple motion-
Kikou Shou
Hazan Hishou Kyaku



:Command Moves:

Upper Kick
Toe Kick
Sankaku Tobi corner

:Gem Powered Special Moves:

Sand Splash R
Rolling Buckler Y
Delta Kick B

:Regular Special Moves:

Hysteric Star
Rolling Scratch
Gamo Screw
:Mighty Combos: -normal motion-
Please Help Me!
Crazy For You
Dancing Flash x2
:Mighty Combos: -simple motion-
Please Help Me!
Crazy For You
Dancing Flash



:Command Moves:

Front Kick
Shagami Chouhatsu
Kuuchuu Chouhatsu

:Gem Powered Special Moves:

Gadou Ken R
Kouryuu Ken Y
Dankuu Kyaku B
:Mighty Combos: -normal motion-
Shinkuu Gadou Ken x2
Kouryuu Rekka x2
Oyaji Blast
Jun Koku Satsu (3LV)
Legendary Taunt x2
:Mighty Combos: -simple motion-
Shinkuu Gadou Ken
Kouryuu Rekka
Oyaji Blast
Jun Koku Satsu (3LV)



:Command Moves:

Hammer Throw [ / ]
Strong Upper
Dynamite Kick
Body Press
Double Knee Drop

:Gem Powered Special Moves:

Screw Piledriver R
Double Lariat Y
Move [ / ]
Banishing Flat B

:Regular Special Moves:

Iron Press
German Suplex
:Mighty Combos: -normal motion-
Russian Beat x2
Heavy Bite x2
Final Atomic Buster
:Mighty Combos: -simple motion-
Russian Beat
Heavy Bite
Final Atomic Buster



:Command Moves:

Double Panda
Chainsaw Blade
Teleport Dash
Air Dash [ / ]

:Gem Powered Special Moves:

Anki Hou R
Henkyou Ki ( ) Y
Chirei Tou B
:Mighty Combos: -normal motion-
Tenrai Ha
Rairai Kyuu x2
Tenkaisan x2
:Mighty Combos: -simple motion-
Tenrai Ha
Rairai Kyuu



:Command Moves:

Split Kick
Spin Kick

:Gem Powered Special Moves:

Kunai ( ) R
Kazekiri Y
Hien B

:Regular Special Moves:

Medium Kick x2
Low Kick x2
:Mighty Combos: -normal motion-
Kasumi Suzaku ( ) x2
Hayate x2
:Mighty Combos: -simple motion-
Kasumi Suzaku ( )



:Command Moves:

Inazuma Kakato Wari
Front Kick

:Gem Powered Special Moves:

Hadou Ken R
Shouryuu Ken Y
Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku ( ) B
:Mighty Combos: -normal motion-
Shouryuu Reppa x2
Shinryuu Ken x2
Shippuu Jinrai Kyaku x2
:Mighty Combos: -simple motion-
Shouryuu Reppa
Shinryuu Ken
Shippuu Jinrai Kyaku



:Command Moves:

Shoe Attack
Uppercut Fist
Vania Dash [ / ]
Shell Kick

:Gem Powered Special Moves:

Soul Fist ( ) R
Shadow Blade Y
Parasite Roll B
:Mighty Combos: -normal motion-
Death Blade x2
Parasite Tempest x2
Darkness Illusion
:Mighty Combos: -simple motion-
Death Blade
Parasite Tempest
Darkness Illusion



:Command Moves:

Sakotsu Wari
Overhead Kick
Quick Punch
Front Kick

:Gem Powered Special Moves:

Hadou Ken R
Shouryuu Ken Y
Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku ( ) B
:Mighty Combos: -normal motion-
Shinkuu Hadou Ken x2
Thunder Storm Kick x2
Reppuu Jinrai Shou
:Mighty Combos: -simple motion-
Shinkuu Hadou Ken
Thunder Storm Kick
Reppuu Jinrai Shou



:Command Moves:

Flower Kick
Double Punch
Slow Sweep

:Gem Powered Special Moves:

Hadou Ken R
Shou’ou San Y
Shunka Shuutou B
:Mighty Combos: -normal motion-
Shinkuu Hadou Ken x2
Midare Harusame x2
Haru Ranman
:Mighty Combos: -simple motion-
Shinkuu Hadou Ken
Midare Harusame
Haru Ranman



:Command Moves:

Cat Kick-ground
Witch’s Hat
Hurl Flapper
Cat Kick-air
Mew Sweep high jump

:Gem Powered Special Moves:

Dragon Blow R
Reverie Sword Y
Dragon Roar B
:Mighty Combos: -normal motion-
Astron Cannon x2
Untouchable Force
Dragon Apocalypse x2
:Mighty Combos: -simple motion-
Astron Cannon
Untouchable Force
Dragon Apocalypse


Secret Characters

*Play with Akuma
– at the Character Select Screen
– put the cursor on Ryu
*Play with Dan Hibiki
– at the Character Select Screen
– put the cursor on Ken  


*Fight Dan Hibiki
– don’t lose any round
– finish 3 rounds within 40 seconds
– finish 3 rounds with 75% or higher health
– finish 2 rounds with Gem Moves Lv1
– finish 2 rounds while your foe Gem Moves Lv3
*Fight Akuma
– don’t lose any round
– finish 6 battles with a Mighty Combo Finish
– finish 2 rounds within 20 seconds
– finish 2 rounds with 90% or higher health
– finish 2 rounds with Gem Moves Lv3
– finish 2 rounds while your foe Gem Moves Lv1

Video combos:

Video Tutoriales:

Partidas perfectas:



Este torneo seguirá el mismo formato que otros torneos de fighting, es decir se ara con el sistema de winners o losers, en este caso los que pierdan no quedan eliminados estando en la categoría de losers, pudiendo tener la posibilidad de ir a la final siempre y cuando no caiga un loser contra otro loser, si esto ocurriese, el loser perdedor queda eliminado definitivamente.

En caso de que un loser llegase a la final, para quedar vencedor tendria que vencer a su rival para mandarlo a losers y después vencerlo definitivamente!

Autor rey100
Publicado en
Categorías Dojo
Visitas 849


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